Podrid’s Real-World ECGs Volume 3 Conduction Abnormalities PDF

Podrid’s Real-World ECGs Volume 3 Conduction Abnormalities PDF

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Podrid’s Real-World ECGs Volume 1
Podrid’s Real-World ECGs Volume 2
Podrid’s Real-World ECGs Volume 3
Podrid’s Real-World ECGs Volume 4 Part A
Podrid’s Real-World ECGs Volume 4 Part B
Podrid’s Real-World ECGs Volume 5 Part A
Podrid’s Real-World ECGs Volume 5 Part B
Podrid’s Real-World ECGs Volume 6


The electrocardiogram (ECG) is one of the oldest technologies used in medicine and remains one of the most frequently obtained tests in the physician’s office, outpatient clinic, emergency department, and hospital. ECGs continue to play an essential role in the diagnosis of many cardiac diseases and in the evaluation of symptoms believed to be of cardiac origin. The ECG is also important in the diagnosis of many noncardiac medical conditions.
Like any other skill in medicine, the art of ECG interpretation requires frequent review of the essentials of ECG analysis and continual practice in reading actual ECGs. However, many health care providers who wish to augment their expertise in the interpretation of ECGs and develop the skills necessary to understand the underlying mechanisms of ECG abnormalities have realized that the currently available resources do not adequately meet their needs.
Teaching in medical schools and house staff programs does not typically emphasize ECG analysis. Consequently, many physicians do not feel adequately trained in interpreting the ECG. The currently available textbooks used for teaching ECG analysis are based on pattern recognition and memorization rather than on understanding the fundamental electrophysiologic properties and clinical concepts that can be applied to an individual ECG tracing, regardless of its complexity. The physician is not, therefore, trained in the identification of important waveforms and subtle abnormalities.
The workbooks and website of Podrid’s Real-World ECGs aim to fill the gap in ECG education. These unique teaching aids prepare students and health care providers of all levels for the spectrum of routine to challenging ECGs they will encounter in their own clinical practice by providing a broad and in-depth understanding of ECG analysis and diagnosis, including discussion of relevant electrophysiologic properties of the heart, associated case scenarios, and clinical management.

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